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Showing posts from June 4, 2022


8 THINGS WE NEED TO UNDERSTAND ABOUT OUR RELATIONSHIP A lot of us are in a relationship yet we cannot even explain if it is going as we ever pictured it to be. Sometimes we are even left confused. Below are eight things we need to understand about our relationships: 1. Mature love is energizing, while immature love is exhausting. 2. You don't make someone love you by giving them more of the things they do not appreciate already. 3. You can be everything you need if you have patience, focus on yourself and understand your emotions. Do not rush into anything in order for you to have everything. 4. Stop looking for the right person and focus on becoming on becoming the right person. 5. You won't have a healthy relationship with yourself. 6. If someone likes you, you will know. And if they don not you will be confused. 7. Your first priority has to be you. If you can not find happiness alone you will struggle to find it with someone else. 8. Until you value depth and st...


HOW TO KNOW IF A MAN DOESN'T LOVE YOU If a man doesn't love you, it is very easy to find out because men don't fake their love for a woman. If a man does all these things I am about to tell you right now, it means he does not love you. √ Thee only time he has to reach out to you is at late nights. √ He seems very confused about what you really mean to him or he feels about you. He is always fluctuating and unstable about you. √ He apologizes without a change in his behavior. √ He gives more attention and energy towards other women on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social networking sites but fails in finding time for you. √ He hides you on social media. He does not want other people to find out you guys are dating, although some of don't like making our love life and relationships public most especially on social media. √ He is saying I love you but on the other hand he is treating you like a garbage. A relationship with a good vibe and energy is alw...