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Showing posts from December 18, 2020

The Power of Istighfar (Seeking Allah's Forgiveness) to Muslims That They Have Been Ignoring

Istighfar i.e  Astaghfirullah  which is seeking Allah's forgiveness is a simple du'a (supplication, remembrance, prayers) yet overlooked by many members of the Muslim Ummah. Astaghfirullah (I seek Allah's forgiveness) is a powerful du'a encouraged by our beloved and noble Prophet Muhammad (May the Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon Him). The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said this supplication at least seventy (70) to hundred (100) times a day. It is simple and yet powerful, it wipes your stress about life, anxiety, fear of the unknown, it's a gateway to happiness etc. According to a an Hadith the Prophet (Peace be Upon Him) said: “The one who seeks forgiveness among Muslim males and females from Allah Ta’aala twenty six or twenty five times every day, Allah Ta’ala will count that person among those whose Du’a (prayers and supplications) is accepted, and through the barakah (blessings) of whom those on earth gain Rizq (sustenance).” Istighfar relieves you when you feel t...